abg..lamenyerrrrr abg x update blog nih hehe..
we are married for 7 months already.
ups and downs in our relationship..
sweet2 sour gtu hehe..
whatever it is, hopefully we'll always be together to face anything in our life.
insyaALLAh :)
here are some of our wedd pics :)
saje nk upload.
suka tgk2 gmbr kita kawin, a very beautiful moment! :)
khutbah nikah drpd Tok Guru. berdebar2 ye abg hehe ;)

alhamdulillah :)
ini saje buat masa ni.
abg dh pggil sy utk siap2 nk g jalan2 ;)
Assallamualaikum adik-adikku..
Issshhhh... susah betol nak tengok gambar nikah tu... sbb bnyk sawang ni..hehehe...jgn mare tau!nanti cepat tua:)
Tu awat gambaq hubby angah nampak blkg kepala jer??? Tak de post lain eh gambar nikah ni??
Anyway semoga terus berbahagia dan tabah melayari bahtera perkahwinan bersama..Insyalla...Amin..
hehe angah..anis sbnrnya bt entry td pun ng "permission" abg sbb anis x abis2 mtk abg update.hehe..
td bt kejap je. tgk la pasni byk lah gmbar yg menyusul ;)
angah, anak2 buah kita ada kt libry nih. myb diorg nk gn pc, sbb tu wat2 cbuk blkg anis :D
masih menanti gambar ataupun khabar berita abe zukhairi. Lama tok jumpa. bz ngan kerja dengar khabarnya
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